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Partnering on Digital Transformation with the Federal and Defense Sectors

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Federal agencies have been working for several years to accelerate adoption of cloud solutions that improve user productivity and collaboration while also reducing costs. But CIOs today continue to struggle with regulatory compliance, cyberattack prevention, privacy of data, and other obstacles that can hamper and even prevent digital transformation initiatives.

Source: Partnering on Digital Transformation with the Federal and Defense Sectors

Low Price Can Be Expensive | Cisco

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As IT budgets shrink and cyber threats increase, IT strains to reduce procurement costs while remaining agile and vigilant. Efforts to commoditize IT often fail to account for post-procurement costs.

Source: blogs@Cisco – Cisco Blogs

Trump wants IT modernization funding, but will Congress approve? Cisco

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If President Trump gets his way in the next fiscal budget, Federal Agencies will get nearly $100 billion to spend on IT. The problem: The president never gets his budget request passed as written, and this president is attracting an unusual number of Congressional critics from within his own party, says Cisco Fellow Alan Balutis. There is no shortage of critique from outside analysts either.

Source: Trump wants IT modernization funding, but will Congress approve?

A New Hope? A Bipartisan Plan to Modernize Federal Government IT | CISCO

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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a good time to look back and to note candidly where more effort is needed to improve cyber risk management.  While it is a strong champion for this cause, the U.S. federal government has itself faced significant challenges in securing information technology systems in the wake of the 2015 Office of Personnel Management breach. To date, the funding mechanisms used by the government have complicated efforts to shift resources away from maintenance of legacy systems in favor of investments in newer, more secure technologies. Now, there are new and hopeful signs that both Republicans and Democrats can work together on a plan to help modernize the federal government’s IT infrastructure.

Source: A New Hope? A Bipartisan Plan to Modernize Federal Government IT

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