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CIO Insight

2018 Strategic Predictions From Gartner | CIO INSIGHT

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The rapid rate of technology change has created steep challenges for organizations of all shapes and sizes. It’s no secret that innovation now arrives faster than most CIOs and IT departments can cope with. All too often, before an enterprise completes one project, two more initiatives appear on the horizon. A new research report from Gartner, “Top Strategic Predictions for 2018 and Beyond: Pace Yourself, for Sanity’s Sake,” assembles some key predictions, research findings and recommendations for what to focus on and how to navigate today’s accelerating rate of digital change. Gartner reports that meeting goals for revenue generation and value creation will increasingly rely on engaging and reengaging people and businesses on ways to adopt and use technology for maximum gain. Gartner also examines how specific technologies—ranging from artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) to blockchain and bots—are altering the business and IT landscape, along with the key areas that business and IT leaders are focusing on. Here are some of the key findings and recommendations.

Source: 2018 Strategic Predictions From Gartner

How Remote Workers Impact Enterprise Collaboration

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Many organizations with a distributed workforce struggle to ensure that their workplace and tech support contribute to enterprise collaboration.

Source: How Remote Workers Impact Enterprise Collaboration

Why IT Spending Will Decline in 2016 | Dennis McCafferty | CIO Insight

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Source: Why IT Spending Will Decline in 2016 | Dennis McCafferty | CIO Insight

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