Can We Figure Out a Way to Make Price Evaluations Easier?

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While changes in RFP instructions and solicitations may allow for improvements in the evaluation process, we must also consider ways in which to improve price evaluations. From federal agency to agency, there is not one consistent approach or practice to evaluating the tradeoff between a technical score and price. In our experience, Department of Defense agencies will sometimes pay 1-3% more for a higher technically rated proposal. For Civilian agencies, we have seen an average premium of 5-10% for higher technically rated proposals. But this is not a hard and fast rule. We have seen government agencies pay 30% more for proposals with higher technical ratings and we have also seen proposals priced 10% below the winning cost get removed for being unrealistically low. In Part 2 of this article series, I offer a recommendation to address one of the biggest challenges that takes place in government source selections: the evaluation and subjective tradeoff decisions on price. To reduce the amount of subjectivity in tradeoff decisions, we need to look at options that qualitatively score the price factor. Yes, that’s right, I recommend assigning an adjectival rating to price!

Source: Can We Figure Out a Way to Make Price Evaluations Easier?

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